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What jobs can't be replaced by AI ?

It's difficult to predict with certainty which occupations will not be replaced by AI and robots in the next 20 years, as technological advancements and changes in the job market are constantly evolving. However, some occupations that require high levels of creativity, critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and interpersonal skills are less likely to be fully replaced by AI and robots. These include:

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1. Healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and therapists who require human empathy and emotional intelligence to understand and treat patients.

2. Teachers and trainers who require complex communication skills and adaptability to respond to the needs of their students.

3. Creative professionals such as writers, artists, and musicians who use their imagination and creativity to produce original works.

4. Social workers, counselors, and psychologists who provide emotional support and counseling to individuals and families.

5. Scientists and researchers who require a high degree of analytical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

6. Skilled tradespeople such as plumbers, electricians, and carpenters who require manual dexterity and problem-solving skills.

7. Business leaders, strategists, and consultants who use their judgment and strategic thinking to make decisions and guide their organizations.

It's important to note that while AI and robots may not completely replace these occupations, they may still augment and change the nature of work within these fields. As such, it's crucial for individuals to continue developing their skills and adapt to the changing job market.